Strange Things People Do in Relationships That Might Annoy Others

Relationships are full of unusual habits that might seem strange but can actually be sweet. From funny nicknames to weird routines, these behaviors can make couples feel closer. What seems odd to others can be something special that makes the relationship stronger. In this article, we look at some of the unexpected but charming things people do in relationships that make them more unique.

The Story:
My boyfriend always brushes my hair before bed. At first, it was cute, but then it started to feel weird. He carefully counts each brush stroke out loud and gets upset if I stop him before he reaches 100. One night, I asked why he was so focused on it, and he smiled calmly and said, “I want to make sure every hair is perfect, so no one else can touch it.” Now, I sleep with the door locked, holding my pillow, afraid he’ll think brushing isn’t enough.

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